On Structured Problem Solving and Consulting

Indian Blogger has a good post on structured problem solving as it relates to consulting. The post is based on a summary of a session by an Arthur D Little strategy consultant. I would like to add a few comments to Indian Blogger’s summary that:

As a Consultant, you should be very good at 4 things:
-Structured Problem Solving
-Creating Effective Presentations
-Writing Reports for the client
-Delivering Presentations

These are definite must-haves. There are also more extroverted skills and general management methods that consultants should seek to develop. Rock stars in the consulting profession (in my opinion) are the ones that are also able to take things to the next level by recognizing that "problem solving" often involves aspects of interdependent problem solving. This includes working with and facilitating groups to solve problems, getting regular feedback, persuading others, facilitating the client without formal authority, setting up the right project structure (e.g., order and content of events such as for strategy workshops), addressing issues and nipping them in the bud, and applying the right consulting engagement governance structure (e.g., core team leadership & steering committees).

Edit: On a related note to the importance of engaging people, here is a past post I wrote on the importance of the client interview (the post was written during a period when I was practicing as an independent management consultant for my first time).

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