Killer Pictures And Answering The “So What” Question In Management Consulting

Analytical Engine has an excellent post/illustration that demonstrates what many management consultants strive to create for their clients as far as presentations and analyses go:

  • Creating The Killer Picture – A picture is worth a thousand words. Summarizing a complex concept in a structured, scientific, and visual way is invaluable in consulting engagements. Successful consultants must prove wrong the saying that "consultants use their client’s watch to tell them the time". Consultants are on the right track when they can synthesize analyses into a crisp picture and get the client to react with something to the effect of "that’s really important and something I didn’t know about myself". The picture that Analytical Engine shows combines a structured breakdown of consumer and business segments, subsegments, and product offerings with information about customer churn, churn reasons, and scorecard-like indicators.
  • Answering the "So What?" – Creating fancy pictures is not enough. Without a bottom line or a prescriptive message to the analysis, consultants and/or managers are just brain dumping information with no end purpose or goal. By adding scorecard and ranking information to the chart, one can imagine that the analysis presented by Analytical Engine naturally leads to something important, like "Client needs to focus on improving six red flagged areas which cost the client $X per annum in above average churn."

The combination of "creating killer pictures" and answering the "so what" questions is a gold standard in management consulting.

Related post: using bottom line messaging in consulting presentations

One Reply to “Killer Pictures And Answering The “So What” Question In Management Consulting”

  1. Steve,
    Thanks for pointing our post to your readers. You are right – that a killer picture and the ‘so what’ analysis that follows is crucial in a client engagement. Pulling together disparate client data sources with varying data quality to create one picture requires understanding the analytical techniques and having a business perspective. It takes time to create a baseline picture but it also helps the organization to develop solid fact based hypotheses and channel their efforts in a more productive manner.

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