For My Google YouTube Diary

My short roundup of articles and posts covering the Google acquisition of YouTube:

  • CNN reports Google buying YouTube for $1.65 billion. YouTube founded in February 2005. Steve’s note to self on another billion(s) dollar acquisition with a short total life as an independent company: Skype acquired for $2.6 billion. Some of my older notes here. I am neither following Skype nor YouTube that closely, but I expect that Skype had both more revenue and more of its revenue model "proven out" relative to YouTube.
  • Why Mark Cuban thinks Google is crazy (and here). Too much hidden liability. Steve’s note to self: The $1.65 billion "in theory" has liability priced into the deal. Additional note to self: the Kazaa damages were on the order of $100 million (? – here). Could potentially calibrate size of liability from this and other data.
  • Excellent post by Susan Mernit which outlines what Google didn’t buy in such a way that provides much deeper insight on Google’s strategy and the leverage of the web.
  • Fred Wilson’s great summary of what YouTube did right – really right. Provide some micro-level insight about what can be tapped into using the web, viral mechanics, and great user interfaces (while keeping it simple).

Update (10/18/06): Also make sure to check out David Dalka’s post here. Thanks, David!

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