Finally Getting Used To Tech.Memeorandum

Having followed tech.memeorandum casually for a couple of months, I’m getting a little more used to its user interface. The politics thread is here, and the technology one is here (the latter being the only one I’ve traveled).

The one problem that I have had with the user interface for memeorandum is that I don’t generally consider myself to be a news junkie or maven that combs through copius amounts of internet information.

But I am finding that the tool can be useful to help me find information clusters on current topics. It is helping me to locate other information sources more passively and to determine whether my current list of information sources may be lacking in any way. New sites might benefit by having this type of interface.

What has been difficult for me to assess, however, is how high quality is the main thread of information that travels through tech.memeorandum? Just because there is a lot of dialogue around topics picked up by tech.memeorandum does not mean I will have much  interest in any of the main threads. Would be interesting if the main thread could be more customizable or trainable. Alternatively, if the main thread had coverage reputation like a mainstream media publication, then I would commit more eyeball time to the site.