I reviewed the book, "The Virtual Handshake" by David Teten and Scott Allen. My review is listed below and is also at the Amazon site. The American Management Association will publish "The Virtual Handshake: Opening Doors and Closing Deals Online" on August 30, 2005. Nice job by David and Scott.
As a person that sidewinded professionally into the social networking and blogging space over the course of a couple years, I wish I had the Virtual Handshake when I started my journey because it would have cut down the learning curve by orders of magnitude. The book provides a terrific overview of online and virtual networking technologies through detailed accounts of personal and business cases from around the world. Having a personal online presence has never been more important, and this book can show business people why it matters, how it matters, and where one can go to get started (in more areas than most can imagine). I have the Virtual Handshake as part of the required reading list for new employees not only because it’s the best concrete book on online networking in the market but also because I want people I work with to have a leg up in the world as individuals.
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