Interesting Post on Stock Options and Milestone Vesting

Paul Allen has an interesting post on vesting stock options based on milestones as opposed to by date. In early-stage ventures, I have seen a few forms of this type of compensation applied. In some cases, it can be implemented via vesting schedules, via controlling the grant itself, or combinations thereof (depending on the style of the stock option plan and infrastructure in place). The mechanics can involve varying levels of modifications to stock option agreement forms, employment agreement forms, letter agreements, job descriptions, board documents, etc.

Hard for me to make any generalizations, but I would say while in concept it seems very desirable, that in practice I have found it to be administratively burdensome if you take it too far or try to tailor it too much. I would probably make the same comment about non-stock option based (i.e., cash-based) project-level incentive structures as well. These can be hard to administer, keep fair, keep expectations in alignment, etc. especially if situations change during the course of a project or doing business. Maybe I’ve had good luck in that I’ve tended to work with intrinsically-motivated people though.

I have mixed feelings on this subject because one clearly wants to motivate people using whatever means possible. That said, to me the marginal benefits of having very tailored bonus compensation seems … well at times marginal and not remarkable.

Steve Shu

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Cartoon Characters Blogging in the Corporate World

I’m always so serious about stuff, especially when it comes to business. I’ve made some comments about CEOs blogging, trench workers blogging, and hybrid models. Completely forgot the aspect of cartoon characters blogging for corporations. Steve Rubel and his readership points me to GEICO’s Gecko blog and Captain Morgan’s blog (Now there’s a way to circumvent all of the corporate policy legal stuff … blame things on a cartoon character when things don’t go well!).

So in the cartoon spirit, I just thought I’d share how I feel when I mess up a blog post or comment and can’t retract … (click here). (Source: Netdisaster). Hat tip: Suzanne.

Steve Shu

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Fred Wilson on Bubble 2.0

Very coincidental that related to my prior posts on financial markets and "The Wisdom of Crowds" that venture capitalist Fred Wilson posts about the potential of Bubble 2.0 contrasted by the real promises of Web 2.0. Is Fred thin-slicing what he is seeing and applying tacit knowledge to hint about the dangers ahead? Are free markets always wise?

I really like Fred’s closing comments:

I don’t have any good answers to these problems, but I’ll say this:

If you were at the first party, then you should never forget how it felt when it was over. 

Drink responsibly this time.

I was planning on posting something I missed before (in a
managerial-decision making post) on forward thinking about regret to
assist with decisions
. Fred’s comments are a good example forward thinking about regret to resolve a decision that can’t be rigorously reasoned out.

Steve Shu

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Update (3/29/05): I realize that I probably should not draw such a close parallel to the markets addressed in the hot hand fund post and Fred Wilson’s post. I suspect that Fred’s post has more focus on the venture capital markets as opposed to the overall market bubble burst we saw in Bubble 1.0. That said, the gist of my post was to provoke thought about when collective thought breaks down because of groupthink or other reasons.

Update on Post Regarding “Hot Hand Fund”

Reader Barbara has nicely pointed out to me that the "hot hand" fund that I referenced in my prior post doesn’t look like it’s performing that well right now (see Yahoo). I’ve reproduced the chart here (click to enlarge).


As a note for casual readers of my blog, my prior post was trying to draw connections between current, real-world applications and discussions in James Surowiecki’s book, "The Wisdom of Crowds". My posts should not be interpreted to be investment advice.

How performance of the "hot hand fund" (not the actual name of the fund) will shake out is to still to be determined I suppose. Cumulative returns definitely look above average compared to the market returns.

As an additional note, I understand that another academic in finance was wondering whether the effect could be the momentum effect or a variation of the momentum effect observed in behavioral finance. Note: I am not sure if this academic saw the returns chart and timescale covered. Timescale is a pertinent dimension for observing some of the behavioral finance effects.

Steve Shu

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Heard of the Hot Hand Fund? What About Prediction Markets?

This post has been cross-posted at The CIO Weblog.

If you have read James Surowiecki’s book, "The Wisdom of Crowds", you might be interested in this post (Surowiecki’s basic thesis is this: "large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant").

Anyway, Forbes has an interesting article on California investor Ken Kam, who has created a
fund, MOFQX, that has more
than doubled the returns of the S&P 500 since it was founded in
November 2001. The article goes into great detail on the beta of the fund, how it works, etc., but I’ll boil down the basic gist here:

  • Ken created a simulation stock market (
  • People sign up and trade on that market
  • Ken allows the best performers of the group in his simulation market to designate the trades in his real fund, MOFQX
  • Ken’s real fund is kicking butt.

Backing away from this a bit, it will be interesting to see if prediction and simulation market software takes off. It seems like there could be a need for a generic software platform that could be configured and/or customized by user need. I have heard anecdotally through the grapevine that for some CIOs who have breathing room away from Sarbanes-Oxley, security, etc., that they may spend some time looking at how to set up various artificial markets to support real business decisions. The information on prediction markets is hard to find though. In a very cursory analysis, I did turn up two interesting sites at NewsFutures and MIT Technology Review’s Innovation Futures. Only one of these sites is vendor-related, but at least it does give people a quick flavor of the possibilities.

Steve Shu

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Good Post on Software Industry Consolidation

Jeff Nolan (SAP Ventures) has an interesting post covering consolidation in the software industry. There are at least three key undercurrents to his post covering background of this sector of the economy, M&A philosophy from the perspective of platform vendors, and the importance and practicalities of post-merger integration within the software space.

Jeff’s pragmatism shines through in this part of his post:

Probably the single biggest thing you can do with an
acquired company is know what members of the management team and rank-and-file
that will be leaving the combined companies no later than 12 months after the
acquisition. The fact is that when you have large companies buying small
companies most of the people won’t mesh together for the simple fact that
entrepreneurs and people attracted to startups don’t like big companies. So
knowledge transfer and integration becomes a critical success factor.

Although I’ve pointed out some general M&A studies done in the consulting industry here (not to mention another study by McKinsey here [free subscription required] that reveals "that 70 percent of mergers failed to achieve the predicted
revenue synergies, while cost synergies were overestimated by at least
25 percent in a quarter of the mergers"), Jeff’s post is great because it signals some experiences specific to software sector M&A. Clearly, not all M&A deals create an exitus of personnel. In the M&A scenarios that have  been closer to home for me (generally telecom space), one key aspect of many deals is that management typically goes out Day 0 to proactively "re-recruit" personnel – e.g., management assumes that M&A deals create tension that must be relieved. That said, from the people I know who have been involved in M&A in the software space, the day after the deal it is not uncommon for those in the acquired company to have looks on their faces like they are reporting to prison even though their pockets may have been lined with gold.

Steve Shu

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PR and Brand Consulting Firms Make First Moves as Thought Leaders in Corporate Blogging

It’s one thing to speculate about how corporate blogging is going to pick up. It’s another thing to see what the market is actually doing. Traditional management consultants sometimes call the latter "watching for markers" as to how an industry is going to shape up. From my viewpoint, the PR and brand consulting firms look to be the first movers (relative to 3rd party service firms) in evangelizing corporate blogging, even though these areas are not the only involved parties in a blogging equation. Steve Rubel’s post here and Jennifer Rice’s post here are both good examples of actual moves to go out on the road to pitch clients and out on the web to educate prospects. I’ve indicated that the core mass of the consulting industry may not be making any moves yet on corporate blogging, even though corporations are starting to ramp up use. It is also useful to note that one of the primary authors of the expected blockbuster book on corporate blogging is Shel Israel, a PR consultant. Shel is writing the book with uber blogger Robert Scoble.

Steve Shu

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Are Marketers the Future for the Next Generation of CEOs?

Based on some of my posts related to Seth Godin, Somill Hwang of Bite Communications brought to my attention the results of a new study by the Institute of International Research, which polled 1,300 business leaders and discovered that 29 percent believed that marketing is the most important area of expertise among next-generation leaders.

Here’s the question the IIR posed and a snapshot of the results:

What will be the most important area of expertise for the next generation of leaders?
      Marketing: 29 percent
      Operations: 22 percent
      Finance: 14 percent
      Sales: 8 percent
      Engineering: 8 percent

Now it’s always a bit hard to interpret these kinds of survey results very deeply. That said, it’s an interesting question when one considers that many CEOs have come from second-in-command positions like CFO or COO positions. What do you think about these results?

Steve Shu

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