Corporations Are Learning About Social Media Faster

A lot of people in Twitter circles characterize that twittering feels like the days of early majority blogging, for me circa 2004ish with an even less mature toolset (I am being generous). With respect to business use, it seems like everyone needed more help back then, as not everyone came out of the gate running. Here Dave Sify summarized the state of the corporate blogosphere in 2004. How few the companies were. Later at the beginning of 2006 and indicative of a forthcoming early majority, Robert Scoble and Shel Israel were motivated to publish their book, "Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing The Way Businesses Talk With Customers. Well, it's 2009 now, and we're in a large recession. But it seems like businesses are smarter this time around in the use of social media like Twitter. I recently ran across an article on Corporate Twitter Accounts worth following. Seems like we skipped the whole convincing phase this time around. Much less of the skeptical talk time this time around.

Kudos to those companies that are able to build brand, improve customer service, and potentially lower costs (latter less widely known) using Twitter. How often is it that companies are able to get marketing and customer service to sync up, let alone talk? It seems that we are making progress, even if it means we'll all have to learn the best practices of communicating in 140 characters or less.

Update (3/20/09): Not business-centric, but here's an article that indicate social networks more popular than email (see CNET article regarding Nielsen Online study)? Not sure how this was measured, but I don't think it is intuitively true for me, even though I consider myself a moderate blogger.

Update (3/23/09): Steve Rubel has a good post entitled, "Customer Service is the New PR". I like his post because it ties together some of the concrete stuff going on in the social media space (along with references to some of the more esoteric, forward-looking items).

A Damning Exhibit Concerning MBAs and Business Schools

Nail in the coffin. Perhaps not, but I'd have to agree it's a bad case. The New York Times portrays a tough canvas of MBAs and their responsibilty in the economic crises in the article entitled, "Is It Time to Retrain Business Schools?". The article starts off:

JOHN Thain has one. So do Richard Fuld, Stanley O’Neal and Vikram Pandit. For that matter, so does John Paulson, the hedge fund kingpin.

Yes, all five have fat bank accounts, even now, and all have made their share of headlines. But these current and former giants of finance also are all card-carrying M.B.A.’s.

 Couple of interesting points which I had not seen before and probably should be thought out further:

  • The notion of professionalization and stewardship
  • The emphasis on shareholder value as an underpinning to finance, entrepreneurship, etc. instruction

But I also have some off-the-cuff thoughts (* indicates based on the Organizational Behavior 4th Edition text [2008] by Dr. Steven McShane and Dr. Mary Ann Von Glinow):

  • Which investors or Boards reward something other than shareholder value? Are these groups in a minority?
  • Although socially responsible companies have been brought to light over the past decade or so, do they get widely-known, superior returns? Do youth and business people value them? Do kids (or adults) worship Bill Gates as part of Microsoft or as part of the Gates Foundation more? Where is the balance?
  • In most surveys, when asked about the most important characteristic employees look for in a leader, most say honesty and ethics (*). What does that say about our ability to hire qualified managers and executives then?
  • 95% of the Fortune 500 companies in the US have codes of ethics (*). Enron also had a well-developed code (*).
  • Is it that business school students are neither trained in risk management nor tragedy of the commons systems structures? Or is it that personal performance plans and reward structures do not align? Other?

If the problems stem from business-, company-, or world-cultures, then how will we get educated and make amends?

An Example of Consulting Engagement Workstreams

The term "workstream" is often used in consulting, but offhand I cannot think about where it is defined for new consultants to reference. A workstream is not a fancy concept, yet it is an important construct that often has ties to consulting proposals, engagement management and division of labor, and processes used with the client. Note that not all consulting firms will characterize workstreams the same way that I describe them here, but I have found similar structures used in a number of consulting organizations that I have worked with.

What is a workstream, and where does it fit in the context of a consulting engagement? Let's start with the latter question first.

A consulting engagement is often framed around solving a specific problem statement for a client. In a prior post on articulating problems statements, I hinted that a consulting problem statement usually must be decomposed into smaller problems statements.

To answer these problems statements, the consultants usually need to put together a set of engagement activities that provide the frame for answering the overaching problem statement and subproblem statements. Engagement activities are often grouped together in coarse groupings often running in parallel. These coarse groupings are called "workstreams", and each workstream often has prime consultant and prime client point. The structure is pretty much in line with standard project management practices, but key adds from a consulting perspective are the problem statement and consultant-client touch points. See the figure below which has four workstreams covering strategy, technology, finance, and business plan development.


As additional context, the problem statement for the above engagement was to help the client develop a business strategy and plan for entering the market as a new entrant in the wireless network and applications provider space. So as an example, the first (top) workstream is geared towards helping the client determine what business model and applications should be investigated in more detail by brainstorming on services and looking at the competitive envionment for plausible and defensible openings.

To close off this post, I think that it's important to note that the cadence and regular review structure with the client (e.g., see milestones at bottom of figure above relative to workstreams) are important processes. See my prior post illustrating why in consulting the process is an essential part of the deliverable. Readers may also want to refer to an earlier post I had on engagement managers (who own the entire set of workstream above) and the essence of management consulting.

100 Best Blogs for MBA Students

Kelly points me to a list of blogs for MBAs. There's a mixture of new ones and older ones in the list (looks like this blog just made it on the page at #100). I'll have to check out the list (and add a few to my newsreader) as my involvement with various business school communities has been increasing as of late.

Leadership Is Innate (Part 2?)

Three years ago I wrote a post entitled "Leadership Is An Innate Skill?". In that post, I essentially avoided the core topic (because I didn't have an opinion), but I made some anecdotal points about  how one could foster one's leadership style (which I thought was a more important point). My views on leadership haven't changed fundamentally since my original post in that I believe that some leadership skills can be learned, there are many different leadership styles, and contextual and organizational items play a role (e.g., can influence one to diverge from one's own leadership style or enhance it).

That said, reader Tom Hartly has brought to my attention a new book entitled, "Leadership Is Innate". I've not read the book, but one can peruse a bit online and figure out which side of the coin is being argued. The description reads:

Top CEOs will tell you that leadership traits come as "part of the package" and "can't really be taught". Scientists have recently begun to discover how genetic differences contribute to key leadership skills.

Anecdotes on Consulting Versus Interim Management

Whether to use consultants versus interim managers can be a bit of a loaded topic, and I'll choose not to address every angle in one post. Here I will just scratch the surface and paint some color by relating some anecdotal experiences. Depending on interest level, I may follow-up this post with additional discussion at a broader level.

To set the context, here's a couple of working definitions that I'll offer up:

  • Consulting – use of a third-party (potentially a team) to help a company solve a particular business problem (for example, evaluate business opportunity for offering mobility applications to consumers, provide an independent assessment of a failing call center)
  • Interim Management – use of one or more experienced individuals to take or play the role of a manager or executive within the company (for a limited period of time or trial period).

Now my deeper attention to the term "interim management" first started when I worked back in the 90s at the management consulting firm, PRTM. As context for those not familiar with PRTM, I characterized PRTM (back then at least) as firm that balanced strategy and operations engagements. As such, the firm got involved with both early strategic planning and later-phase, tactical design of business capabilities. At risk of oversimplifying, PRTM consultants were not just pure strategy guys, but they were often people with actual implementation and management experience. There used to be a firm motto that floated around to the effect of, "Results, Not Reports". This motto was essentially a shot at strategy firm practices of delivering stacks of analyses and reports that never had an impact. One of the partners (who had just rolled off an assignment as interim CEO) described to me his view on interim management something to the effect as follows, "Interim management is something [infrequent] that the firm only does for special clients. Unless approached correctly interim management can create a dependency between the firm consultant and the client that is hard to wean the parties off of. But interim management can offer a variety of benefits, particularly when a company wants to move forward with operational execution immediately."

Since then, here's a few examples I've heard from clients over the years which are indicative of a lean more towards use of interim management over consulting approaches:

  • "We don't have the management skill set internally, and we need to fill three management roles in finance, services, and technology pretty immediately while introducing more sophisticated practices that can be transferred to the larger organization as we grow."
  • "We are exploring this new geography for our products and services, and we need someone to help us as a general executive (covering all entity and operational requirements) to see if we can get things to pan out."
  • "Our marketing VP will be going out on parental leave, and we need someone to fill the role for six- to nine-months."
  • "We need someone that can fulfill the corporate development function with total dedication, but we need the option to release this person once we have met the objective of securing a beachhead in the North America enterprise market."

Freelance Consulting

After March 3, I plan to leave my current gig to pursue freelance consulting for awhile, along with a number of colleagues. The exact vehicles and logistics are still in the formative phase – fortunately the administrative logistics for consulting businesses are not too arduous.

I find it useful to revisit a post I wrote a couple of years ago on independent consulting because I don't have the sales prospecting scale I use to have within a larger firm. I think that a lot of what I wrote about independent consulting is still true. I might have one additional add, and that is I think that social networking tools are getting better for helping consultants. Just the other day I was just contacted by a CEO of a technology company because of my LinkedIn profile and updates I had made to my status (which stated "Steve is looking for new contract or employment opportunities"). The CEO has been looking to grow his business and is looking for general management, finance, marketing, business development, and account management assistance. Although the lean was toward a full-time hire position for me, the geography is unlikely to work. So now the impetus is on me to work with him to determine whether I can help in either a consultative role or interim management role. Now in all fairness, the CEO knew me from before from venture-related circles and consulting, so this is not a cold networking opportunity. That said, I didn't have to reach out to him for the process to get kicked off. I was able to use social networking tools. And as compared to having to compete against 300-1000 applications for a job (I'm a normal guy and have *never* won in that kind of environment), one has to think about how to measurably change the odds of winning.

Of course, I've probably jinxed my personal opportunity by talking about it in the open. But given that we are in a terrible recession and that freelance consulting is the "new unemployment", I wanted to elevate the discussion.

Twitter Me This

Background: Management strategy consulting professional David Dalka, Florian Hollender, and other management consultants are using Twitter. Ford Harding, world-renowed author and expert on sales (e.g., for consultants and other professional services folks), also has two very recent posts on using LinkedIn and Twitter as part of the business development and sales process.

What else? Twitter raises more than $35 million (just before Valentine's Day) by the big guns in venture capital. Yet – no business model required.

Based on that context, I've started an account to get hands-on experience with Twitter. I think my home page is here. I can't stand to use instant messaging (although I do use it), so I'm not sure a federated "blurting"-thing is going to stick with me. That said, I'm willing to see whether carpal tunnel or Twitter wins out. I am also interested in developing my thoughts on both how Twitter communities form and how businesses might capitalize on Twitter.

Update (2/24/09): Link to approximately 8,414 consultants that Twitter? Side note: compare this to approximately ~1.2 million consultants on LinkedIn.