The back and forth between John Robb, Dave Winer, Robert Scoble, and Shel Israel continues. John hints that the deal he was not party to included a massive advance of money. Scoble hints that John is looking to do a separate book deal. Who knows what is fact, but this we can be sure of. There will be a book or books on corporate blogging hitting the market by the end of 2005 or begining of 2006. It indicates a trend that while there may be a ton of information on the Internet on the subject, there is still a gap of bridging blogosphere knowledge to those on the outside. The value of bridging that gap (to all parties) is likely tremendous.
Regardless of what each party argues, I cannot begin to imagine how high the emotions must be. I hope that they can work this out. Perhaps a subcontracting, side agreement, or value-added arrangement can be made, but this seems far off from where the parties are currently at.
Update (3/2/05): Robert Scoble posts "The emotions aren’t high on my side of things. Sorry if it came across that way."