Social Entrepreneurship. This is a term I have never heard of before until last month. I must be living in a shell. I’m still not quite sure what the term "social entrepreneur" means, but I believe it is a fairly widely used term that refers to adopting entrepreneurial behaviors in non-profit organizations.
Read the full post at my 21Publish blog to get some briefs on what I found after some light Google research on the subject of social entrepreneurship. At 21Publish, I have been spending more time thinking about how to apply my MBA and entrepreneurial experiences in different ways to organizations in the non-profit, education, etc. sectors.
FYI, if you didn’t already know, HBS has a major Social Enterprise initiative:
Thanks. I’ll check it out. I have a ton of information to wade through based on some other stuff I’m involved with that looks at a broad brush of key schools in North America. One stat I saw in the info I have about HBS is that more than 80% of HBS grads are significantly involved with non-profits in some way with more than half involved in a board capacity.