I use Bloglines to read my blogroll of feeds. I think Bloglines knows who I am and what feeds I subscrbe to, but I’ve lost the capability to see which feeds have new posts (and automatically bring them up). Anyone?
Update (7/15/05 – 7:45am): OK – got it back. May be a transient issue or a maintenance thing with Bloglines. Good thing. Last time this sort of thing happened I switched newsreaders. Coincidentally, yesterday a Newsgator (another newsreader vendor) PR person contacted me … maybe a sign for me to switch. Also coincidentally, influential Web 2.0 venture people like Fred Wilson are even looking to drop feedreaders …
try scrolling down to the bottom of any link where you will see
Display items within the last:
Pick Session and hit display. Pick another blog and do the same. Refresh the page, and things should be back to normal.
Thanks for weighing in! What was weird last night was that I couldn’t see any of the feeds on the Feed tab so there was no way for me to select “Display items within …”
All I saw was:
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