In 2023, I’m going to experiment with series of short posts and mixed media that will try to appeal to those that are thinking of starting behavioral economics initiatives or trying to take things to the next level. I have a unique background to bring this type of content as I have worked in the commercial world for more than 30 years while also having an academic research and teaching background in behavioral economics. I will try to leverage an intersection between what I implement as a behavioral economics advisor in the commercial world and what I teach experientially in the classroom.
Current LinkedIn connections and prior students may also feel free to join an Applied Behavioral Economics slack channel. We can use to this as a way to share ideas, post questions, or potentially arrange informal meetups. Please send me an email at [email protected] or if your organization is on an approved domain (e.g., cornell.edu) you should be able to join using the following link: https://join.slack.com/t/appliedbehavi-qow2205/shared_invite/zt-1makq3ojb-GYmDS_eGI50uG_YoLdh10w (link valid for 30 days).