Just wanted to post a link to Scoble’s takeaways and reinforcements on the recent Technorati blogging happening. Numbers 8 and 9 from Scoble’s list are noteworthy to me (in the context of crisis response) as the blogging medium is a bit of a different animal as a communications medium:
8) Get into real space as fast as possible. Text is so easily
misunderstood. Why not do an audio or video podcast? That way we can
see just how sorry you are, you can cover a lot more ground, we can
hear your sincerity in your voice.9) Overcommunicate. The more you communicate, the less serious these
problems will be. With a lack of communication people start making
things up. Or at minimum they start rattling the cage to see what’s up
behind all the silence.
I cannot emphasize enough that the blogging communications medium is different. There are delays inherent to the system, people don’t always know who the spokesperson is and who’s watching, and one’s never quite sure if everyone is looking at the same picture. Factors like these can create volatile blogosphere systems dynamics.
Steve Shu
Managing Director, S4 Management Group