MBA vs. Books? What About EMBA?

Seth Godin is still getting heat for on ongoing post festival in the past week surrounding the body of knowledge in MBA program. He’s drives the point forward a bit more using more MBA-esque language. That’s an interesting way of looking at it, and I made a similarly-veined comment over at Luca9200’s blog on how the MBA vs. EMBA might be looked at (as trading off experience for classroom). I don’t know if Seth is tired of the email he’s getting, but I wouldn’t have the energy to keep up. Just pass me the books one at a time so I can keep my MBA fresh. I just completed one book here.

Update: Related posts here and here.

3 Replies to “MBA vs. Books? What About EMBA?”

  1. The 30 Book MBA in Entrepreneurship

    As inspired by Seth’s Blog: Part of the 30?, a modest suggestion of 30 books to get you pointed in the right direction for an MBA in Entrepreneurship (alphabetically by author): * Richard Bach: Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant

  2. [..]College can teach you “science of entrepreneurship”. But the art, “application of principals of science”, is very much individual attitude. This is where the difference lies between management graduate and street smart entrepreneur. Why?? In decision making, the graduate will heavily rely on historical events, index patterns, market data or future predications, but later one will just rely beats of the street, people day-to-day problem and his vision to tap it.[..]
    [Saurabh Kaushik]

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